Card Overview for Players

For players of Realm, everyone at every level will have cards created. Initially, we will only support tournaments for Tier 1 players of Realm. The goal for the Realm card system is two fold: 1) Create a way for fans to participate in the success of players performance on Realm and other third party events that support card integration 2) Support players by buying a players card Realms revenue share system is essentially the same as Twitch. Player who are Tier 1 are automatically given affiliate status. These players make 30% of each card sale. After your first 100 cards sold, this percentage increases to 40% per card sale.

Partnered players are able to receive up to 50% of revenue from each card purchased. In addition to initial sales, the total amount of player cards is limited, so fans who purchase a card are able to sell them on the secondary marketplace. Players receive a split when a card is sold on the secondary marketplace as well. The split per card sale on the secondary marketplace is as follows: 70% to the seller 20% to the player 10% to Realm

This program is designed to drive more revenue to players through fans collecting and playing their cards on a daily to weekly basis. In addition, it helps augment prize pools for Realm.

Last updated